On this page you’ll find videos of Panels Plus products.
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our product offerings or production lines, contact our team at [email protected] or reach us by phone at 866.726.7587.
Wood Wall Framing
Wood Wall Framing Station with Locators
The Framing Station with Locators consists of a framing table with stud locators at 16’’ and 24’’ spacing. The framing table holds the plates, subcomponents, and studs squarely in place for fastening to ensure quality panels every time.
Squaring & Routing Station
The Squaring and Routing Station incorporates a manual X-Y router bridge with the Panels Plus Squaring Station. This model consists of a squaring table designed to hold wall panels square while sheathing is tacked in place and rough openings are routed out, ensuring quality panels every time.
Wood Wall Sheathing
Single Beam Sheathing Station
The Single Beam Sheathing Station offers flexibility in fastener spacing both in the field, on seams, and while stitching the top and bottom plates. This Sheathing Station fastens sheathing to wood wall panels to ensure quality panels every time.
Dual Beam Sheathing Station
The Dual Beam Sheathing Station fastens sheathing to wood wall panels ensuring quality panels every time. It consists of a squaring table and dual beams, allowing two tools with different fasteners to be loaded at the same time, allowing for fast changeover between fasteners.
Sheathing Station with Screw Bridge
The Panels Plus Sheathing Station with Screw Bridge offer the ability to fasten sheathing of any kind to wall and floor sections with screws.
Light Gauge Steel
Light Gauge Steel Sheathing Station
The Light Gauge Steel Sheathing Station offers flexibility in wall height, sheathing thickness, and screw spacing and screws sheathing to steel wall panels to ensure quality panels every time.
Power Conveyors
With a simple push of a button, you can transport subcomponents and wall panels hands-free with Panels Plus Power Conveyors. Like the Roller Conveyors, Power Conveyors are used for conveying and staging walls between stations and moving wall panels down the production line.