Over the years, several questions have been asked often enough to address. Of course, should you have anything more you need to know, just give us a call or contact us and one of our Panels Plus service professionals will give you a call.
Delivery time from order will vary depending on the type of equipment ordered, but typical lead times are 10-16 weeks.
Yes. Every Panels Plus system comes with a one-year warranty on parts.
Installation is done by a certified Panels Plus Technician. We also provide on-site training as part of the installation process.
All Panels Plus systems are manufactured in Albert Lea, MN.
There are some references right here on the website. Please contact us for additional references, and we would be happy to connect you with some of our customers.
We have in-house dedicated service technicians that are available by phone virtually anytime, and who also can travel to your site.
Yes, we have financing options available for well qualified customers.
Of course. We have a wide variety of standard equipment, however if your application requires a custom system, we will work with you to develop just what you need.
Yes. There are a number of videos right on the website, but you can see many more on the Panels Plus YouTube channel.
Yes, we can help develop plant layouts and assist with recommendations.
We have two standard lines. 12’4” tall x 16’ long and 16’ tall x 16’ long wall systems. Custom lengths are also available.
This can vary depending on the size and complexity of the system, but as an example a three-table line is installed in five days. This included training on the new system as well.
Yes, we are glad to come and meet with you at your facility. We can make recommendations on size and flow for your line opportunities.