A few words from our General Manager

Greetings to all! It is already time to get ready for BCMC 2023 in Indianapolis, IN. The show floor opens on September 20th and Panels Plus will be in booth #1227 with equipment and personnel to discuss your building needs. Our Platinum Series Automated Sheathing Bridge will be on display. Many improvements have been made based on feedback from our machines in the field. The most notable improvements are stitching the top and bottom plates while nailing studs, travel speed, and an upgraded user interface. We were able to cut about one minute out of the cycle time on the identical wall that we showcased at BCMC 2022. This is a reduction in nailing time of 23% and makes the Platinum Series Automated Sheathing Bridge even more cost-effective than the original units. Nailing time matters! We encourage you to come see it for yourself!

In other news, our marketing team conducted a survey of customers that had recently received Panels Plus equipment. The results from the survey were great, the comments were very nice, and the scores were as well! I appreciate all the praise that was given to the Panels Plus staff. The Net Promoter Score was 62 which is identified as an “Excellent” rating on the Net Promoter Score scale. We are quite proud of this score and the support of our customers.

I mentioned in a prior newsletter that Panels Plus gained significant efficiency when we moved to the new location. This allowed us to reduce our lead times even while having record business levels. I’m also pleased to inform you that this quarter we have been able to build more equipment for stock. It has been a while since we had our equipment stock at desired levels, while we’re not there with all our items, it’s a great step in the right direction. This means that standard equipment will be able to ship even faster. Need equipment quickly? Give us a call and we will help you select the best equipment for your needs and will let you know how much of that equipment is on hand.

We are always looking to make new equipment to satisfy industry needs. There are several concepts being considered by our engineering team. One of these would allow new types of walls to be processed with the Platinum Series Automated Sheather, and another would introduce Panels Plus to an entirely new industry. If you have a special need, contact Panels Plus and we will determine if we can build a machine to cover that need.

As always, I encourage you to visit the Panels Plus website for all the latest news and literature. Panels Plus is also on LinkedIn and YouTube. Please visit us at www.panplus.com or write to us at sales@panplus.com.

Best Regards,
Tim Grahn
General Manager