Recent News Articles
Panels Plus is Attending BCMC This Year!
The Panels Plus team is thrilled to be attending the Building Component Manufacturers Conference (BCMC) after it’s cancellation last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The conference runs from October [...]
Employee Spotlight: Dylan Tischer, Product Development Engineer
Dylan Tischer has been part of the Innovance team for over 5 years. Dylan started at the Lou-Rich Hayward facility as a Product Designer in May 2016 and then applied [...]
Equipment Spotlight: Light Gauge Steel Sheathing Station
The Light Gauge Steel Sheathing Station is designed to screw sheathing to steel wall panels. The table will sheath 6’6’’ to 12’’ walls up to 16’ long and handles wall [...]
Employee Spotlight: Brett Doyle, Plant Supervisor
Brett has worked for Panels Plus for 17 years and has been an invaluable member of the Panels Plus team. He has been instrumental in assembling [...]
Equipment Spotlight: Framing Station with Locators
The Framing Station with Locators is one of two main framing station models that Panels Plus offers and is designed to hold the plates, subcomponents, and [...]
Panels Plus Launches New Website
The Panels Plus team is excited to announce the launch of our new website. Our team has been tirelessly working on developing new product content, adding [...]